Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter IV – Part 3 (August 13, 2023)

Integral Ecology Last week’s Mapping Laudato Si’ looked at the ecology of daily life with special emphasis on urban and rural life. Now we turn to the final pieces of Chapter IV: common good and the question of intergenerational justice 1. The Principle of the Common Good (156-158) The Pope reminds all that the common […]

Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter IV – Part 2 (August 6, 2023)

Integral Ecology Last week’s Mapping Laudato Si’ addressed various types of ecology: environmental, economic, social, and cultural. Today, we continue highlighting this important chapter with a look at the ecology of daily life. 1. Ecology of Daily Life (#147-155) In this section the Pope deals with the issue of QUALITY OF LIFE which affects everyone. […]

Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter IV – Part 1 (July 30, 2023)

Integral EcologyThe heart of the Encyclical’s proposals is integral ecology as a new paradigm of justice, an ecology “which respects our unique place as human beings in this world and our relationship to our surroundings” (15). In fact, “nature cannot be regarded as something separate from ourselves or as a mere setting in which we live” […]

Mapping Laudato Si’:  Chapter III – Part 2 (July 23, 2023)

Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis Last week we looked at the technology crossroads confronting us and the globalization of a technological framework that conditions lifestyle and the shaping of social possibilities by powerful groups. Today we consider 1. The Crisis and Effects of Modern Anthropocentrism (#115-136) A third area of concern is the crisis […]

Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter III – Part 1 (July 16, 2023)

Human Roots of the Ecological Crisis Chapter III  of Pope Francis’ Encyclical, Laudato Si’, analyzes current aspects of the ecological (both environmental and social) crisis that were described in the first chapter, “so as to consider not only its symptoms but also its deepest causes” (#15), in a dialogue with philosophy and the human sciences. […]

Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter II – Part 2 (July 9, 2023)

The Gospel of Creation The Saint Anne Creation Care Committee continues its deep dive into the second chapter of “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home.” Pope Francis turns from an exposition of various illnesses afflicting the world and the human family to the development of a “treatment plan” rooted in faith and the […]

Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter II – Part 1 (July 2, 2023)

The Gospel of Creation The Saint Anne Creation Care Committee begins the month of July with a deep  dive into the second chapter of “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home.” Pope Francis turns from an exposition of various illnesses afflicting the world and the human family to the development of a “treatment plan” […]

Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter I – Part 2 (June 25, 2023)

What is happening to our common home? The Saint Anne Creation Care Committee continues highlighting Chapter 1 of  “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home” with the hope that parishioners will be inspired to read (or reread) Pope Francis’ groundbreaking Encyclical. This last week of June, we focus on three signs of social degradation—issues that […]

Mapping Laudato Si’: Chapter I – Part 1 (June 18, 2023)

What is happening to our common home?  In this third week of June, the Saint Anne Creation Care Committee begins its highlights of Chapter 1 of  “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home” with the hope that parishioners will be inspired to read (or reread) Pope Francis’ groundbreaking Encyclical. The opening paragraphs present the most […]

Mapping Laudato Si’: An Overview (June 11, 2023)

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast. In this second week of June, the Saint Anne Creation Care Committee continues to map out the Introduction to “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home” with […]

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